Extra 24 hours?

We had a wonderful day today fixing our fence and keeping our boy entertained outside, till the snow storm hit. Then I made a good dinner, chicken and potatoes. Ryan and I decided that we would take this "extra time" to spend together since we all know how often that happens. I had 1 more quiz to take for school and it was time for Rodney to go to bed so I asked Ry if he would put Rodney down and get him to sleep. I finished my quiz, got 24 ready to watch, and walked in to get Ryan and wouldn't you know it, he was fast asleep in the rocking chair! I woke him up and asked if he was ready to watch our show and have ice cream, he was tired and wanted to go to bed. So what am I doing with the extra time?

Sitting by my nice HOT wood stove,

Deciding on a movie,

Eating my current craving, rainbow sherbet,

But I should be doing homework.
I won't feel guilty tonight, I will just deal with it tomorrow. I need a little "extra time" to myself.

Happy Leap Day! Hope you all are doing something fun with the "extra day."


Mickelle_Travis said…
Good for you! I do that sometimes too....and even though I still have homework on the back of my brain, its so worth it just to take a timeout and relax.

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