A Lot has been going on lately. It has been way to busy to even think about blogging.
I went back to work at the beginning of October. I know, very sad! But its not so bad. I miss my boys, but hopefully by the next one I can be a stay at home mom. I have also been doing a lot of hair lately. It has been so nice.
Rodney goes to the doctor in 2 days and we will find out his stats. He is getting so big! Last time we went to the doc he was almost 13lbs and 21 inches long. He isn't chubby really he is very tall though. He has to wear some 6 month clothes cause he is to tall. His hair is finally coming in we spike it up, it looks so cute! We also finally finished his room!!! I have pics but I can't find the cord for the camera to get them on here so i will put some on asap. I love his room! It is so cute!
Ryan started his new job. He is a jailer at a jail near by. He loves his job, but someday he would like to work for idaho state police. He will be going to POST probably next fall. They have several people going and He has to wait his turn. Till then he will be working getting as many hours as possible.
I have a lot of pictures that have been taken over the last little bit and I have been having fun editing them. I know they probably look far from professional, but it is practice and it is fun. So here they are, tell me what you think
Rodney and I loved to take walks when it was just a little warmer. This one is my favorite! I love the coloring!

My beautiful mom!

ARr... He was so cute! He was laughing!

halloween day our little skeleton

Our family picture before Rodney

Another not a fan of the editing on this one

After Rodneys baby blessing with Mimi and Papa

Happiest Father around!

Happiest Tia Tia around

This last weekend when Nana and Grandpa came to visit. Lighting was bright and a little blurry but oh well he is still cute!

Our 4 generation picture. Me, Mimi, Rodney and Nana.

The picture says it all

There are a few of them. It was way fun, even if I don't ever print them off.
I hope you all have a safe and fun Thanksgiving!
I went back to work at the beginning of October. I know, very sad! But its not so bad. I miss my boys, but hopefully by the next one I can be a stay at home mom. I have also been doing a lot of hair lately. It has been so nice.
Rodney goes to the doctor in 2 days and we will find out his stats. He is getting so big! Last time we went to the doc he was almost 13lbs and 21 inches long. He isn't chubby really he is very tall though. He has to wear some 6 month clothes cause he is to tall. His hair is finally coming in we spike it up, it looks so cute! We also finally finished his room!!! I have pics but I can't find the cord for the camera to get them on here so i will put some on asap. I love his room! It is so cute!
Ryan started his new job. He is a jailer at a jail near by. He loves his job, but someday he would like to work for idaho state police. He will be going to POST probably next fall. They have several people going and He has to wait his turn. Till then he will be working getting as many hours as possible.
I have a lot of pictures that have been taken over the last little bit and I have been having fun editing them. I know they probably look far from professional, but it is practice and it is fun. So here they are, tell me what you think
Rodney and I loved to take walks when it was just a little warmer. This one is my favorite! I love the coloring!

My beautiful mom!

ARr... He was so cute! He was laughing!

halloween day our little skeleton

Our family picture before Rodney

Another not a fan of the editing on this one

After Rodneys baby blessing with Mimi and Papa

Happiest Father around!

Happiest Tia Tia around

This last weekend when Nana and Grandpa came to visit. Lighting was bright and a little blurry but oh well he is still cute!

Our 4 generation picture. Me, Mimi, Rodney and Nana.

The picture says it all

There are a few of them. It was way fun, even if I don't ever print them off.
I hope you all have a safe and fun Thanksgiving!