BaBy TiMe
We finally had him on July 16, 2010, at 4:21 pm, Rodney Lyman Dixon. After 22 hours of labor and 1 hour and 11 mins of pushing we finally got to meet our son. Here is the story.... On Tuesday the 13 I went in for my regular check up, i told the doc that he wasn't moving around like normal he has been a little more calm than normal so he did a few tests then told me the amniotic fluid level was low, 7.3, so they wanted to check me again on thursday. So I went in on thursday after work, I worked from 4 am to 130 pm, i went in and they did an ultra sound and the levels went down to 5.2, they said they don't like it to get below 5, so he scraped my membranes and stretched me out, I know it sounds about as good as it felt. About 20 mins later I started having contractions about 10-15 mins apart. They told me to go home and get out stuff and come back to be induced. So at 5 Ryan and I went in they induced me. at about 7 the contractions started getting stronger about 5 mins apart, at about 9 they got closer about 2 mins apart. I had contractions about 1.5-2 mins apart. and i was still only dialated to a 1.5, we tried everything from walking, which is hard when your contracting so close, shower, the body ball, and getting on my hands and knees, nothing was working to dialate me. At about 7am on the 16 I finally dialated to a 2.5 so the nurse came in and stretched me to a 3 so i could finally get an epidural, so I got that and they put me on pitocin, my contractions were about 1 min apart and they were really strong, they started to get to strong for Rodney and so they put me on o2 and slowed it a bit, At about 1 I started to get really worried so I told my husband I wanted a blessing. So john, my brother-in-law and Ryan gave me a blessing, at this time i was only a 4. 2 hours later the nurse came in checked me one more time and said its time to start pushing. So 1 hour and 11 mins later Rodney joined us in the world. I shoulda asked for a priesthood blessing earlier it might have gone a little faster. It is amazing the power of the Priesthood. I am so blessed to have a husband who is able to hold it, and who supports me and loves me. He was such a team player, and kept me so calm when I was freaking out. Here are a few pictures.
me the day before I had him.
A very tired dad we were up for 42 ish hours.

His Grandma
And Nanna, she got to see the whole birth.

Grandpa came up from Utah to meet him.

So far he has done really good with tummy time

He is such a happy boy!

The cutest smile ever!

What a snuggle bug! I love this boy!

When we took him home Lindsay, Brandon, and baby Grant came to visit. Their gonna be best buds someday!

Oh and we thought dad would like the Boise State shirt ha ha. He gave Ryan a hard time about being a BSU fan and not a BYU fan. Im 2 sided on this matter.
All in all, we are so happy he is home and that he is healthy! We look forward to being his parents and feel so blessed!
We finally had him on July 16, 2010, at 4:21 pm, Rodney Lyman Dixon. After 22 hours of labor and 1 hour and 11 mins of pushing we finally got to meet our son. Here is the story.... On Tuesday the 13 I went in for my regular check up, i told the doc that he wasn't moving around like normal he has been a little more calm than normal so he did a few tests then told me the amniotic fluid level was low, 7.3, so they wanted to check me again on thursday. So I went in on thursday after work, I worked from 4 am to 130 pm, i went in and they did an ultra sound and the levels went down to 5.2, they said they don't like it to get below 5, so he scraped my membranes and stretched me out, I know it sounds about as good as it felt. About 20 mins later I started having contractions about 10-15 mins apart. They told me to go home and get out stuff and come back to be induced. So at 5 Ryan and I went in they induced me. at about 7 the contractions started getting stronger about 5 mins apart, at about 9 they got closer about 2 mins apart. I had contractions about 1.5-2 mins apart. and i was still only dialated to a 1.5, we tried everything from walking, which is hard when your contracting so close, shower, the body ball, and getting on my hands and knees, nothing was working to dialate me. At about 7am on the 16 I finally dialated to a 2.5 so the nurse came in and stretched me to a 3 so i could finally get an epidural, so I got that and they put me on pitocin, my contractions were about 1 min apart and they were really strong, they started to get to strong for Rodney and so they put me on o2 and slowed it a bit, At about 1 I started to get really worried so I told my husband I wanted a blessing. So john, my brother-in-law and Ryan gave me a blessing, at this time i was only a 4. 2 hours later the nurse came in checked me one more time and said its time to start pushing. So 1 hour and 11 mins later Rodney joined us in the world. I shoulda asked for a priesthood blessing earlier it might have gone a little faster. It is amazing the power of the Priesthood. I am so blessed to have a husband who is able to hold it, and who supports me and loves me. He was such a team player, and kept me so calm when I was freaking out. Here are a few pictures.
A very tired dad we were up for 42 ish hours.
And Nanna, she got to see the whole birth.
Grandpa came up from Utah to meet him.
So far he has done really good with tummy time
He is such a happy boy!
The cutest smile ever!
What a snuggle bug! I love this boy!
When we took him home Lindsay, Brandon, and baby Grant came to visit. Their gonna be best buds someday!
Oh and we thought dad would like the Boise State shirt ha ha. He gave Ryan a hard time about being a BSU fan and not a BYU fan. Im 2 sided on this matter.
All in all, we are so happy he is home and that he is healthy! We look forward to being his parents and feel so blessed!