Well this weekend i went to my parents and i went snow boarding! It was so much fun! i still have a lot of learning to do but it is nice! It is so relaxing. Well any way saturday was such a nice day that. the snow was perfect! Josh, Cassi, Ethan and i went. we enjoyed each others company
so much! any way. I didn't think about wearing sun block, its been cold and the sun hasn't been shining as much up here in jerome, so i didn't think about it. well when i woke up the next day my face was about this red!!!

Ryan didn't come with us he was a bum and wanted to go hunting instead! He shoulda come with us. But that was the longest i had ever been away from him, it was so weird. but its nice to be home. I missed him. Well now were just working we finally have a few days off so im going to clean the yard and play the the boys. well hope you all have a good weekend.