Crazy weekend!!!
Well this has been one crazy weekend. On friday i worked till 11, so ryan stayed home, and then saturday we went Christmas shopping, The stores were crazy!!! It was so busy! i must say, don't ever go shopping 4 days before Christmas!!!! Not even 3 or 2 or even the day before!
!! So we decided that we would stay home all day sunday and not do a thing.. well so much for that! we went to Church and after sacrament the bishop told us all to go home that is was gonna be to bad for everyone to stay here, and drive home. So ryan and i went home, by then it was 11 am, it didn't look bad outside at all. It was windy but that was about it. So about 1245 we went over to Gooding to ryans moms house and by the time we got there, it was snowing and blowing, about 545, it was a blizzard!! It was crazy,

This was when we first got there, at about 315 ish, In between 315 and 645 when we went over to ryans friends house it had snowed about 4 inches, it was so bad driving back we didn't know if we were driving on the road or off, We ended up having to stay in Gooding for the night. The wind was blowing so bad that we had bad snow drifts. So the next morning ryan and i both had to go to work, ryan normally gets up at 430 so we got up and had to clear the driveway, his moms driveway is really long, luckily they have a snow blower, so we got up cleaned that off with in 2 hours it was already filling up. it was crazy, when i took a pic
ture of the same place the next morning at 730 this is what it looked like

notice the picnic table almost burried. we got about a foot and a half, when i got home it was just as bad if not worse, we had to literally dig out my car it was crazy!! I didn't make it to work that day and Ryan almost had to spend the night in Hailey, cuz the roads up that way were so bad! 

This is outside the door to my house, It was so packed with snow and the door was frozen shut, i thought i was gonna break the handle just trying to get it open.
So thats our crazy story, oh and on top of it Jerome only has like 1 snow plow if any so the roads didn't get clear till way later that day, and wouldn't you know it all the snow from the street ended up in front of the driveway i just cleared! more work for me, luckily someone saw how bad it was and decided to get their tractor and clear it up.